Title: A Rose Among Drones: Becoming Radicalized
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 32” x 32”
Year: 2018
The rose is a powerful and iconic symbol loaded with centuries of meaning and significance. All of these associations are welcome and intentional in this context. Though the hive was once a home for living bees (or beings), it now represents the structure of various societal systems and ideologies that restrict or constrain growth and expression in an attempt to conform and force assimilation. Additionally, the colors of these symbols are much like that of popular fast food chains. The frequency of these forms in our everyday lives and their collective significance results in a confrontation of our consciousness about what we do and why we do it. Even more important, how do our mechanical and programmed actions effect or threaten the most innocent and vulnerable around us (including nature and the bees who once occupied this hive).